ইনসাইড বাংলাদেশ

Reuters identifies false anti-national propaganda

প্রকাশ: 12/08/2022


A false anti-national propaganda on social media has been caught in the fact check process of the world-famous news agency Reuters.

According to the Reuters report, on August 7, a Twitter account named 'Wall Street Silver' posted that there are violent riots in various cities in Bangladesh to protest against the increase in the price of fuel oil. Along with this, an audio-video clip of burning tires on the road and sound of hand grenades was uploaded. While verifying the authenticity of the post with more than a thousand views, the world-renowned news agency Reuters saw the video clip of the Hefazat Islam movement in Dhaka 9 years ago on May 6, 2013.

Reuters on Thursday (August 11) published the news entitled 'Fact Check: The video of fuel protests in Bangladesh is not from 2022, but from 2013' (Fact Check-Video does not show 2022 fuel protests in Bangladesh, it dates to 2013), states that due to global energy crisis after the war in Ukraine, the price of petrol per liter has been increased by 51.2% to Tk 130, the price of -octane has been increased by 51.7% to Tk 135, and the price of diesel and kerosene has been increased by 42.5% to Tk 114 in Bangladesh.

In this report of Reuters, it is also said that the protests in Bangladesh over the increase in the price of fuel oil have come up in the local media. But the video added to the mentioned Twitter and another identified Facebook account is not about this, not this year, but 2013.

প্রধান সম্পাদকঃ সৈয়দ বোরহান কবীর
ক্রিয়েটিভ মিডিয়া লিমিটেডের অঙ্গ প্রতিষ্ঠান

বার্তা এবং বাণিজ্যিক কার্যালয়ঃ ২/৩ , ব্লক - ডি , লালমাটিয়া , ঢাকা -১২০৭
নিবন্ধিত ঠিকানাঃ বাড়ি# ৪৩ (লেভেল-৫) , রোড#১৬ নতুন (পুরাতন ২৭) , ধানমন্ডি , ঢাকা- ১২০৯
ফোনঃ +৮৮-০২৯১২৩৬৭৭