ইনসাইড বাংলাদেশ

Hindus celebrating Mahalaya today

প্রকাশ: 25/09/2022


The Hindu community has been celebrating Mahalaya, the auspicious occasion of heralding the advent of Goddess Durga, across the country today, Sunday (September 25).

With the beginning of “Devipaksha”, Mahalaya is observed six days before Durga Puja, the biggest religious festival of the Bangalee Hindu community. Usually, the Devi Paksha commences with Mahalaya Amavasya. 

According to Hindu mythology, Mahalaya marks the last day of “Krishnapaksha”, which is a dark fortnight of the month of Ashwin.

Hindus believe that the earth prepares itself and welcomes the coming of the Goddess and her children, through the celebrations.

Durga Puja will begin on October 1 on the day of Maha Shashthi. Goddess Durga will come to the earth (Martyalok) riding an elephant (gaja) through the Maha Sashthi Puja this year.

On Mahalaya, the Mahanagar Sarbajanin Puja Committee has arranged special programmes at Dhakeshwari Temple from 6am.

On this day, Hindus remember and pay homage to their deceased ancestors by performing a puja, and offering Brahmins clothes, food and sweets in their names.

This year there will be 32,168 Puja mandaps across the country.

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