ইনসাইড টক

'There's been a bit of an overreaction to Omicron'

প্রকাশ: 05/12/2021


Dr. ABM Abdullah, the PM's personal physician, and the medical expert said the current situation in Corona was good and comforting. But it is an unpredictable disease and no one can say when it will happen next. Corona is growing in European countries at the beginning of winter. In America, too, it is growing at an alarming rate. Omicron has been caught in about 31 countries. Now nothing can be said. And as far as Omicron is concerned, it spreads very fast but no one has died yet. It has very mild symptoms like cough, sore throat, fever. However, it has been heard that one affected by this variant feels very tired. But no news of the death has been found yet.

This was stated by Prof. Dr. ABM Abdullah in an exclusive interview with Bangla Insider on various issues including the possibility of increasing the incidence of corona including new variants of corona in winter. For the readers, Prof. Dr. ABM Abdullah has been interviewed by Mahmudul Hasan Tuhin, Bangla Insider's own correspondent.

"I think it's going to be a bit of an overreaction," said Professor Dr. ABM Abdullah. Maybe not as serious as everyone says. However, very contagious, it is true. Even then I think it was told to make people watchful. We have to be careful about this, we have to be aware, we have to follow the hygiene rules, we have to get vaccinated. Don't be lazy in this matter. Those who came from Africa came a long time ago. Even if they are traced the quarantine time has probably passed. I don't think we have anything to fear about them. Or after three or four days the quarantine stage will be over, there is nothing to fear.

He added that more research is being done on vaccines. It is difficult to say whether the vaccine will work or not. It will be understood in a few more days. It may not work; it may happen again. Definitely, nothing can be said about it and no one can say. Mordana is thinking about giving booster dose. The booster dose may modify this vaccine to bring a stronger vaccine. Everything will be clear in the next few days.

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